Official Publication for the Jordanian Royal Medical Services


Omar M. Malkawi, MD, JMB*, Fares H. Haddad, MD, JMB*, Ahmad A. Omari, MD, JMB*, Alia I. Shehab, B.Sc., DSN**, Hana K. Mudaber B.Sc. Senior Dietitian^


To determine the frequency of erectile dysfunction in a referral diabetic clinic and the rate of self-reporting in relation to age and duration of diabetes.

Methods:  A group of 258 males were interviewed in the diabetic clinic in the first half of 2001. Mean age (± standard deviation) was 52.3±10.62 (range 35-75 years) with mean duration of diabetes of 9.8±6.8 years.  About 6% of the sample had type 1 diabetes and 94% had type 2 diabetes.

Results: The duration of erectile dysfunction was 33.8±27.6 months (1.5-120 months).  Erectile dysfunction was found in 67.4 % (n=174) of the interviewed patients.  Only 40.2% (n= 70) of patients reported erectile dysfunction, which was directly proportionate to age.  Higher frequency of erectile dysfunction was found in patients with duration of  >10 years but with a lower self-report rate.

Conclusion: The frequency of self-reporting is, however, low. Erectile dysfunction should be looked for routinely as part of the follow-up in the diabetic clinic and treated accordingly. 

Key words: Erectile dysfunction, Self-report, Diabetes mellitus

JRMS Dec 2002; 9(2): 19-22


Erectile dysfunction (ED); the inability to attain and maintain a penile erection sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual intercourse (1), has a general frequency of 5.2% in the outpatient clinics (2), and reaches almost 60% in diabetics (3).

Aging, hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM) and ischemic heart disease are among several other variables implicated in the etiology of ED (2). Moreover; vasculopathy (4,5) and neuropathy (6,7), are additional etiologies implicated in diabetic patients.

Commonly, ED in DM develops insidiously over a period of months to years (8).  ED, however, is not a late complication of the disease but can occur early in the natural  history  of  the  disease  or  as  a  first presentation (9).

Pertulla (10) found that physicians initiate discussion about ED in 17% of patients with hypertension, 18% of those with diabetes and in 30% of patients aged 65 years and above.   
Erectile dysfunction is an overlooked diagnosis in diabetic patients in our part of the world, for it is considered a taboo to be discussed due to its relation with male dominance and self esteem.  In addition, to the patient's embarrassment is the lack of the physicians' time to discuss these issues.

So this study was conducted to determine the frequency of ED in a referral diabetic clinic and to find the rate of self-reporting in this group in relation to age and duration of diabetes.

Two hundred and fifty eight diabetic males aged between 35-75 years were seen in the diabetic clinic at King Hussein Medical Center in Amman-Jordan between January and June 2001. Ninety four percent of the cohort had type 2 diabetes.

All patients were married and 99% had one or more children.

The visit consisted of complete physical examination, assessing the diabetic control and asking patients about any problems they encountered.

If not self-reporting any ED, then patients were asked specifically about it and the patterns and duration of ED.

All associated conditions, possible risk factors, smoking, alcohol habits and drug history were also reported.

Patients were divided into four groups according to their age: Group 1 (35-44 years) 70 patients (27%); group 2 (45-54 years) 76 patients (29.4%); group 3 (55-64 years) 82 patients (32%) and group 4 (65-75 years) 30 patients (11.6%). According to the duration of diabetes patients were divided into five groups: Group 1 with a duration of DM ≤ 5 years 90 patients (34.9%), group 2 with a duration of DM (6-10 years) 62 patients (24%), group 3 with a duration of DM (11-14 years) 46 patients (17.8%), group 4 with a duration of DM (15-20 years) 40 patients (15.5%), and group 5 with a duration of DM of > 20 years 20 patients  (7.8%).  The frequency of ED and the rate of self-report were recorded in each group.

Statistical methods used included percentages, mean, standard deviation and ranges.

Mean age of the patients  (± standard deviation) was 52.3± 10.62 range (35-75) years. The mean duration of DM was 9.8±6.8 years. (range 0.4-30).  About 6.1% of the sample had type 1 diabetes. Mean HbA1c was 7.98±2.3%.  Eighty-one patients (31.4%) had good glycemic control (HbA1c≤7%) and 177 patients (68.6%) had poor glycemic control (HbA1c>7%). Of those with a good glycemic control 41 patients (50.6%) had ED, while of those with a poor glycemic control 133 patients (75.1%) had ED.  The mean duration of ED was 33.8 ± 27.6 months (1.5-120).

Erectile dysfunction was found in 67.4% (n= 174) of patients. The frequency of self-report of ED was 40.2% (n= 70).   The onset of ED was sudden in 33% and gradual in 67%.

Smoking was found in 92 patients (35.7%). ED was found in 79.4% of the smokers and in 54.6% of the non-smokers.  Moderate alcohol consumption (<21 units /week) was present in 3 patients (1.2%) and all of them had ED.

The current medications for diabetes are shown in Table I. The majority was receiving oral hypoglycemic agents (58.9%) followed by insulin in one third of patients. The frequency of ED and rate of self-report of ED according to each age group and duration of diabetes are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Table I. The current medical therapy for diabetes







Sulphonylurea ± Metformin












Fig. 1.  Frequency of ED and rate of self -report ED in relation to age.
(n=Number of patients in that group)

Fig. 2. Frequency of ED and rate of self-report ED in relation to the duration of diabetes.
(n=Number of patients in that group)

1. NIH Consensus Development Panel on Impotence.  JAMA  1993; 270: 83.

2. Feidman HA, Goldstein I, Hatzichristou D.G.  et al. Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: Results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS).  J of Urology 1994; 15 1:54-61.

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