Official Publication for the Jordanian Royal Medical Services

Frequency of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children in Gaza Strip

Mohammad Aqeel MD*, Khalid Al-Ghzawi MD**, Raied Khatib MD**, Saamir Kharma MD^, Omar Nawasreh MD^^


Objective: To determine the frequency of post traumatic stress disorder in children in Gaza strip attending the psychiatry clinic of the Jordanian field hospital one year after the exposure to the latest acts of war.

Methods: This study was conducted using a structured psychiatric interview based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual -Fourth Edition- Text Revised for post traumatic stress disorder, in order to assess post traumatic stress disorder in children referred to psychiatric clinic from pediatric and family medicine clinics with abnormal behavior.

Results: In the selected age group of children between (5-14), a total of 827 children were found to have visited the pediatric and family medicine clinics during the two months study period.  Out of the total, 196 children (23.7%) were referred to psychiatric clinic with abnormal behavior, out of which 173 children (20.9%) of the whole sample and (88.27%) of the referred children were found to have post traumatic stress disorder. 

Conclusion: The area of Gaza strip suffered to a massive extent over the past years which led to a serious frequency of post traumatic stress disorder amongst its children. In view of the persistent threats, siege, and lack of social and medical support, chances are little of having a decline in the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, as well as a decrease in the number of new post traumatic stress disorder cases.

Key words: Children and Parents, Gaza, Post traumatic stress disorder, Trauma, War. 

JRMS September 2011; 18(3): 52-58



The Gaza Strip is a narrow elongated piece of land, bordering the Mediterranean Sea between Israel and Egypt, and covers 360 km2. It has a high population density of 1,416,543 according to Palestinian central statistics bureau in 2007. About 17% of the population lives in the north of the Gaza Strip, 51% in the middle, and 32% in the south area. There are high unemployment, socio-economic deprivation, family overcrowding, and a short life expectancy. Nearly two-thirds of the populations are refugees, with approximately 55% living in eight crowded refugee camps. The remainder lives in villages and towns.

Since September 2005, the population of the Gaza Strip has been exposed to regular incursions and shelling.(1)  The areas which suffered the most aggressive military action during the one month long war which started on 27th December 2008 were in the northern regions, namely Bait Lahia, Bait Hanoun and Jabalia, but other areas also suffered to varying degrees.


The effect of war on children’s mental health is well established.

Investigators, mainly from the Middle East and the former Yugoslavia, have recorded high rates of post-traumatic stress disorders and other mental health problems and disorders. For example, after the Gulf war, high rates of post-traumatic stress disorders were recorded in Kuwaiti and Kurdish children.(2,3,4) These rates were especially prominent  in children who had been displaced from their community, such as in the conflicts in Croatia, (5) and Bosnia.(6,7,8)

Children who are directly or indirectly exposed to war conflict experience a variety of stressors, and many develop both short-term and long-term post-traumatic stress reactions.(9)

Living in a refugee camp outside home, living under conditions of war, being on the run, witnessing bombing, changing residence due to war, taking shelter from bombing, witnessing street shooting, witnessing house search, father detained, separated from father more than one month, death in the family, father tortured, witnessing torture, killing or intimidation of other than family members and witnessing arrest of family member.(10)

 In his review, Vernberg (1999) suggests that children are at greater risk of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than adolescents because they have not only a more limited understanding of the surrounding world, but also have fewer coping skills and less opportunity to participate in community systems that help people cope with the disaster.(11)

No matter how sophisticated the diagnostic instrument, nothing can replace a thorough, well-conducted clinical interview. It is essential in the assessment of pediatric PTSD that clinicians utilize multiple informants and undertake careful histories while searching for complicating co-morbid conditions. No single instrument will serve all clinicians.(12)

Gender can be a factor in how children react to stress of any magnitude. Boys tend to react with more aggression and acting-out behaviors and girls tend to respond more inwardly, their sadness and anxiety are less observable.(13)

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is widely used around the world both for adults and children in the assessment and diagnosis of PTSD symptoms. DSM IV-TR(14) defines PTSD into three symptom clusters (i.e., intrusion, avoidance/numbing, and arousal). In DSM, re-experiencing includes recurrent and intrusive thoughts about the trauma, dreaming or flashbacks of the traumatic event, and intense psychological distress caused by internal or external stimuli, which is symbolized by or associated with the traumatic event.(14, 15)

In children and adolescents, repetitive plays and re-enactments may be observed.             

Avoidance/numbing includes avoidance of conversations, places, and feelings associated with the traumatic event (in children, there may/may not be obvious link to the original trauma), amnesia for aspects   of   the   trauma,  detachment  from  others,withdrawal, or decreased interest in usual activities.

Table I. Distribution of referred children by age:




5 -9 years



10-14 years






Table II. Distribution of referred children by gender:













Table III.  Distribution of Children with PTSD by age:




5 -9 years



10-14 years






Table IV. Distribution of PTSD children by gender:













Table V. Children aged 5 to 14 years Referred then found to have PTSD, comparison between genders:

PTSD-By age



Male as % of total

Female as % of total

5 years





6 years





7 years





8 years





9 years





10 years





11 years





12 years





13 years





14 years










In children, this may take the form of loss of previously acquired developmental skills such as toilet training.(14, 15, 16)

 Increased arousal includes sleep disturbances, irritability, increased startle response, and concentration problems. In children, increased arousal may be observed when a child is exposed to situations associated with the traumatic event.(15,16) Appendix 1(10) summarizes the symptom list of PTSD.

Although the definition of PTSD in DSM-IV does consider symptomatology in children it is still adult focused.(17)

Gaza area has been in a state of war for around 60 years. The background of the present study was the war in Gaza that started in December 2008 with quite intensive bombing causing loss of lives, homes and other resources. This war also had a strong influence on the psychological and social functioning of Palestinians living in the affected area.



This study was conducted at the Jordanian field hospital located in Gaza city, during the period between 26th December 2009 and 25th  February 2010 where data was collected 12 months after the start of the latest war acts in the area.

We included children aged 5-14 years, who were subdivided into two categories; the first 5-9 years and the second 10-14 years. Participants were from different places in Gaza strip.

Data were collected from the sample by means of a well structured clinical psychiatric interview with children and their parents; based on (DSM IV-TR) for PTSD, we used the interview of the National Center for PTSD from United states  veteran  affairs (Appendix 2). History included details about the trauma and course of the illness.

A total of 196 children were interviewed.



A total of 827 children between the ages of 5-14 years, being 425 males (51.39%) and 402 females (48.61%), visited the pediatric and family medicine clinics at our hospital for all sorts of medical problems during the study period.

Out of these children, 196 children were referred to the psychiatry clinic with abnormal behavior being 23.7% of the total studied children.

Table I shows the age distribution of the referred children where those 10-14 years constitutes about 57% of all participants; these ages were combined into two major groups.

The first group (5-9 years) was 84 children (42.86%), while the second group (10-14 years) was 112 children (57.14%) Table I.

The distribution of the referred children according to gender was 131 males (66.84%) and 65 females (33.16%) as shown in table II

PTSD was found in 173 children being (20.9%) of the whole study sample and (88.27%) of the referred children.

 Table III presents the PTSD which was found in 76 children (43.93%) of the first age group, and in 97 children (56.07%) of the second age group.  Males formed 64.16% of cases, and females 35.84% Table IV.

Statistical analysis showed the average males age to be 9.98 years, and the average females age 9.90 years.

The number of samples, n1=111, n2=62, variance s1 was 0.66 for males, s2 was 2.81 for females.



Our study revealed a high level of PTSD among children in Gaza, this is reflected by the fact that (20.9%) of all children visiting our hospital in the 5-14 years age range suffer from PTSD symptoms.

We could not find data describing PTSD symptoms included in table 5 in Gaza children prior to December 2008.

This percentage corresponds with the levels of PTSD in other studies i.e. the Lebanese(18) study (27%) and the Israeli study (22-25%) (3) but lower than that reported in other studies like a previous Palestinian study (59%),(19) a Turkish study (60%),(20) an Iraqi study (84 %),(21) and an Iranian study.(22) Our percentage was higher than the Kuwaiti study (4%).(23)

Studies which have high prevalence rates of PTSD relate this to various factors, including lack of care and treatment to this age group, lack of social support, and also that the military threat and aggression is long standing and continuous with sporadic aggressions from time to time.

These contributing factors are all existed in Gaza at the time of the current study.

The difference in percentage of PTSD in different studies could be due to the difference in the threshold of tolerance at various parts of the world as well as due to the difference in severity of the insult causing the psychological trauma.

In previous studies in Gaza during previous conflicts in years 2003,(24) and 2004(25) the most common traumatic events reported by Palestinian children were seeing victims’ pictures on television, and witnessing bombardment and shelling; with between one-third and half of the children in different samples fulfilling criteria for PTSD.(24,25) They were also likely to present with high rates of anxiety or depressive disorders.(25,26) 

Another contributing factor for the problem in Gaza is the severe social and economic consequences of the war, which includes home destruction and imprisonment of many family members of the affected homes.

Our observation is that the majority of children who were found to have PTSD was directly exposed to military violence due to the fact that they reside in the hottest border fronts in the north of Gaza strip, namely Jabalia, Bait Lahia, and Bait Hanoon. Many of these children’s houses were demolished.

This is in contrast to children living in non-bombarded areas where symptoms were more likely to be anticipatory anxiety symptoms.

 These  results  are  consistent  with  other studies.(19, 27, 28)

We noticed no obvious decline in the severity and persistence of symptoms in the affected children in spite of the long period since the latest major military actions, this is probably due to the still existing military threat, in addition to the seize being imposed on Gaza, with its financial and social difficulties.

The frequency of PTSD in children may vary according to gender; most of the studies reported that females are more liable to develop symptoms of PTSD, for example,(21,29-31) while in some other studies there were no differences in the occurrence of PTSD among both genders(19,32,33) but in our study we found that symptoms of PTSD are more prevalent among males rather than female patients, similar to other studies.(34, 35)

Our explanation for male predominance for PTSD in our study is the feeling of the local population of shame towards bringing a female to hospital, especially to a psychiatry clinic, this is because of fear of getting the social stigmata of being sick with a ‘psychiatric problem’ which may affect future marriage proposals.

Research shows contradictory results regarding the association between child’s age and PTSD: some studies have higher prevalence in younger children(36,37,38) who have been found to be vulnerable in war situations. While in other studies young children have been suggested to be protected due to their less accurate perception and understanding of trauma(39,40) while others argue that young children are more vulnerable due to their less effective coping capacities.(36,41)

In our study we found that the older age group 10-14 years had more frequent PTSD (Table IV).

Children who were less likely to recover from PTSD symptoms over time were those with exposure to stronger short-term posttraumatic stress reactions, those with higher eyewitness exposure to war violence and more use of expressive coping, and less social support as has been found in a study from Croatia.(42)

The most frequent PTSD symptoms we encountered in this area were those of lack of concentration causing academic impairment, suffering from nightmares, getting easily upset and angry, and even bed wetting.(43, 44)

Bed wetting could be the most disturbing symptom to most of the families we have interviewed during our study.

Further studies with a broader area and perhaps longer follow up periods than this study to elicit the true size of the problem of PTSD among children in the area of Gaza are needed.



The Gaza strip area suffered to a massive extent over the past years which led to a serious frequency of post traumatic stress disorder amongst its children.  In view of the persistent threats, siege, and lack of social and medical support, chances are little of having a decline in the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder as well as a decrease in the number of new post traumatic stress disorder cases.



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 Appendix 1:


Symptoms list:(10)


Dreams about traumatic events

Speaks about traumatic events

Suffers from nightmares

Gets scared when hearing shooting


Does not play with other children

Has lost previous interests

Avoids talking about traumatic events

Feels hopeless about the future


Has problems falling asleep

Has problems staying asleep

Is easily upset and angry

Is easily aroused

Lacks concentration – when watching TV  or  when told a story



Appendix 2


The Childhood PTSD Interview is a 95-item semi-structured interview that assesses DSM-IV PTSD diagnosis and associated symptoms. It includes a description of the event(s), 63 symptom items (3-6 items for each DSM-IV symptom), and 32 associated symptom items (2-5 for each of 11 associated symptoms). Each item is rated dichotomously as being present or absent (i.e., “yes” or “no”). The Childhood PTSD Interview yields a categorical score of PTSD diagnosis as well as a continuous severity score obtained by adding all endorsed items. The questions are written at the third-grade reading level, but it has been used with younger children. There is also a Parent Form that assesses the same dimensions as the Child Form using language appropriate for adults in which a parent answers the questions with respect to the child’s symptoms.



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