Dental and oral health
diseases occurring in pregnancy may include caries, tooth erosion, gingivitis,
epulis, pyogenic granuloma of pregnancy, and many others. Depending on clinical assessments several
studies have reported the presence of gingivitis in
women during pregnancy. This is called pregnancy
gingivitis and defined as the gingival inflammation caused by the presence of
plaque and exacerbated by changes of female sex hormone
levels during normal pregnancy.(1) Many published
reports have indicated between dental diseases and adverse pregnancy outcome
especially pre-term delivery, pre-eclampsia, and intra-uterine growth
retardation.(2-4) The signs and symptoms of gingivitis during
pregnancy are similar to those in the non-pregnant population. Yet the signs of
inflammation have a tendency to be more severe in pregnancy for a similar
degree of plaque.(5,6) Many studies had reported that the
prevalence of pregnancy gingivitis to be present in about 30% of pregnant
ladies and can reach up to 100% of them depending on the study, however the
majority of studies reported it to increase significantly during pregnancy.(6-8)
The exact factors leading to developing gingivitis during pregnancy have not
been clearly recognized. A change in the
periodontium caused by increased endogenous sex hormones is considered a major aetiologic
factor. The main sex hormones affecting the periodontum are oestrogen and
progesterone and by the end of last trimester they can reach up to 30 times
higher than seen during non pregnant status.(9) These sex
hormones have various effects on the microcirculation leading to swelling of
endothelial cells, adherence of platelets and granulocytes on vessel walls,
formation of microthrombi, and potentially increasing the vascular permeability
in gingival tissues and thereby increasing susceptibility to inflammation due
to bacterial or even physical irritation.(9) Although the
accumulation of plaque is recognized as the main cause of gingivitis, few other
reported factors like the physiology of pregnancy and the presence of diabetes
mellitus may make the gingival tissue more liable to disease or exacerbate the
growth of micro biota which is attributed to the depression in the immune
system during pregnancy.(10,11) Pregnancy gingivitis is a
reversible self-limiting disease that resolves after delivery due to the
decrease in hormonal levels and it does not develop to periodontitis.(6)
The objectives of this study
were firstly to identify the frequency of pregnancy gingivitis in first
trimester pregnant women as compared to women at third trimester of pregnancy
and secondly to assess oral health status and behaviors of those women during
A comparative descriptive study was conducted on pregnant women
attending Princes Haya outpatient antenatal clinic from the period from June
2010 to August 2010. Selection was performed by convenience sampling and women were asked to participate in our study. After confirmation of the women’s pregnancy status clinically and by sonography, they
were divided into two groups. The first group (n=260) was for pregnant women on
their first trimester (up to 14 weeks gestation) and the second group (n=320)
was for pregnant women in their third trimester of pregnancy (from 28 weeks
gestation). The data collected included age, parity, education status,
occupation, past
medical and dental history, and obstetrical history. All patients were examined intra-orally by a dentist,
for the presence of gingivitis, number of teeth, associated calculus, malodor,
and teeth apposition.
The data were classified and
organized into tables and were compared between the two groups and statistically analyzed.
Percentages were examined using chi-square test and a p value less than 0.05
was considered statistically significant.
Table I reveals that slightly less than half of our patients were below 25 years of age
at the time of the study (46.5% for the first group and 47.8%) for the second
group. Also it showed that 80% of the first group and 79.1% of the second group
were below 35 years of age. The data were similar between the two groups
regarding parity, with more than half of the patients within the two groups
having one or two babies (P1-2) as compared to about one quarter of those
pregnant with their first baby (P0) at the time of the study. Table I shows
also that 29% of examined women at first trimester were employed compared to
21% at third trimester, also 64% of them live in the city compared to 63% of
those in the third trimester group.
II shows that 132 women in the first group had a regular dental check up (50.7%)
compared to only 35 women in the second group (10.9%). Also it shows that 90%
of women in the second group had last follow up visit to their dentist more
than 6 months ago, as compared to 44% of women in the second group. Fifty-five women
(21%) in the first group gave a history of gum bleeding as compared to 174 women
(54%) in the second group. First trimester group showed that 54% of women brush
their teeth less than once every day, 20% were current smokers and 46% had
previous pregnancy with gingivitis; compared to 70%,
19%, and 49%
respectively within the second group. Gingivitis was detected in 69 cases (26.8%) in women during their first trimester of pregnancy as compared to 102 cases (32.1%) in women during their third trimester of pregnancy (p= 0.6050). Pregnant women at their third trimester had more calculus and malodor on dental examination as compared to those with first trimester, 258 cases (80.6%) compared to 156 cases (60%) for calculus and 149 cases (45.6%) compared to 40 cases (15.4%) for the presence of malodor respectively (Table III). However, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding the presence of teeth apposition as well as the number of teeth at the time of dental examination.
Periodontal health has been
studied widely during pregnancy, yet most of the data reported is still
controversial. The majority of the information is from cross-sectional studies,
making it impossible to study the exact relationship between pregnancy and
periodontal diseases. The rate of pregnancy gingivitis varies widely according
to the study, ranging from around 30% up to 100% and some studies reported that
it was significantly higher during pregnancy as compared to non-pregnant women.(12,13)
One recent study has shown
that the highest presence of gingivitis was noticed during the last two
trimesters of pregnancy.(6) Our study showed that the
presence of gingivitis was higher in third trimester (32.1%), as compared to first trimester of pregnancy (26.8%).
This finding was also consistent with other studies. Fernando & Jiffry
reported that there was a gradual increase in gingivitis from the first
trimester to the third trimester with a peak level noticed in the seventh month
of pregnancy, followed by a significant decline in its severity of during the
last month of pregnancy.(14) A more recent study undertaken on
pregnant women attending a government maternity hospital on Chennai described
the presence of gingivitis during various stages of pregnancy gingivitis was
reported to occur in 22.6% of women during the first trimester, 22.6% in second
trimester, and 54.8% in third trimester of pregnancy.(15)
Women in the third trimester of their pregnancy were significantly less likely
to have had a dental review in the preceding 6 months than those attending in
the first trimester which could be due to factors including a simple pressure
on their time. Tilakarate et al.
also studied the severity of gingivitis during pregnancy and reported it to
rise significantly during the last two trimesters of pregnancy and gingival
inflammation to decline spontaneously after delivery.(5) Most
of the above studies show that gingivitis becomes more common as pregnancy
Most of the pregnant women
in this study had poor oral hygiene, as well as inadequate dental check-up
attendance. The findings seen during first trimester may be due to nausea and
vomiting and may become even worse as pregnancy proceeds towards delivery. The
results of this study also showed an association between oral health status and
different socio-demographic factors such as education, occupation, employment,
dental hygiene and gingivitis. However, no significant statistical difference
was revealed between first and third trimester of pregnancy. Our results also
showed a higher prevalence of gingivitis among unemployed pregnant women than
employed ones, lower level of education than higher levels, previous dental
attendance, and living in the city than living outside the city. These findings
are consistent with many other studies.(12,13,16,17) Our study also showed that about 20% of both
groups currently smoke and it did not seem to influence the gingival health of
the present study population, although smoking in another study performed on
urban adult population in Sweden was considered to be a major risk factor for
developing gingivitis during pregnancy.(18)
Gingival bleeding tendency
in the current study has been found to increase significantly from first to
third trimester (21% to 54%), this finding was consistent with other studies.(5,12)
Christensen et al. in his study reported that most pregnant women might
not recognize gingival bleeding as a sign of inflammation.(19)
Another study reported the prevalence of gingival bleeding during pregnancy was
89%,(20) in contrast with other study that showed it to be
29%.(15) This wide
variation in the presence of gingival bleeding may be related to the presence
of plaque, hormonal changes, and the presence of other local irritants.
Zachariasen et al. in
his study concluded that gingival problems during pregnancy could be reduced
significantly if sub gingival plaque is minimized.(21) In the
present study, associated calculus with gingivitis was significantly higher in
pregnant women at their third trimester as compared to first trimester. In
other study, the peak in plaque appearance
was during the first trimester of pregnancy and declined as pregnancy proceeded
toward term,(6) one explanation is related to poor oral
hygiene during the first months of pregnancy which is related to nausea and
vomiting that makes tooth brushing very difficult and sometimes impossible.(12)
One study performed also on
Jordanian pregnant women showed no statistically significant differences
between patients at different stages of pregnancy and the grade of gingival
index, plaque index or pocket depth scores.(22)
The presence of gingivitis
as well as increased depth of periodontal pocket has been reported during
pregnancy.(12) Nonetheless, no clear evidence showed that
pregnancy could affect periodontal attachments. Tilakarate et al.
reported no difference in attachment loss during pregnancy and outside
pregnancy,(5) this finding can be attributed to insufficient
levels of circulating sex hormones during pregnancy to cause break-down,
despite its assumed effects on epithelial tissue barrier.
Very few studies have
considered the level of dental awareness among pregnant women. One Jordanian
study showed that 56% of studied subjects were not aware of the necessity of
increasing the frequency of teeth brushing during pregnancy and only 5% of them
believed there might be any association between gum disease and adverse
pregnancy outcomes.(23) Pirie et al. focused on the
importance of increased awareness of developing oral conditions during
pregnancy and advised health professionals to provide appropriate information,
advice and reassurance followed by referral for dental examination, treatment
and monitoring as necessary as well as effective communications between the
dentist and obstetrician to ensure provision of best care for pregnant women.(24)
Oral health and quality of life among pregnant women may be improved by the
introduction of educational programs on oral self-care and other health
promotion interventions during pregnancy.(25)
Our study demonstrates that
the frequency of gingivitis during the third trimester of pregnancy is higher
than that in the first trimester; however, it is considered statistically
insignificant. Further studies are needed to determine the relation of
gingivitis to oral hygiene and dental care habits. Obstetricians should be
aware of the potential effects of pregnancy on oral and dental health and they
should encourage their patients to seek regular dental evaluation for
prevention and early management of oral disorders.
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